Join us for the third annual Easter Vigil hosted by Epiphany Anglican Fellowship.
For over a thousand years, Christians have greeted the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday with an evening vigil the evening prioer. Inspired by the idea that Easter is the true high point of worship for the Christian, eclipsing even Christmas in its importance, Epiphany began observing the Easter Vigil in 2023. After keeping vigil together, the congregation met afterwards for a celebratory meal of roast lamb, mediterranean food, beer, and wine. It remains one of the high points of our annual worship together.
This year’s vigil features our guest preacher and officiant Bishop Alex Cameron, who has served as the bishop of the Anglican Diocse of Pittsburgh since 2022. He has been an ordained Anglican priest for more than 30 years, serving churches in Canada and the United States. During his work as a priest, Bp. Cameron served the church bivocationally, working in the management of General Electric’s healthcare technology and information divsion. He spent nearly a decade with GE, leading teams of software engineers in the United States, Europe, and India. Most recently, he served as the exeuctive director of the Isaiah Forty Foundation, which provides teaching, prayer, and coaching to those seeking healing and wholeness.
Melissa McKinney also returns this year to lead the congregation in musical worship. Melissa has spent nearly two decades leading music in churches across the Pittsburgh area, and is currently an ordinand in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, studying at Trinity Anglican Seminary in Ambridge, Pa. Melissa currently oversees music at Mosaic Anglican Church in Robinson Township.
Everyone interested in matters of faith, Jesus’s resurrection, or good food and drink is welcome to attend.
The vigil begins at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 19, with a lamb feast to follow at 9:15 p.m., at the Loyalhanna Watershed Association’s Education Center, located at 106 Old Lincoln Highway West, Ligonier, PA. 15658.
To help us plan for our cooking and catering, you’re invited to RSVP in the link below.